E-A-R Specialty Composites - Molding Materials

E-A-R's proprietary molding materials - ISODAMPÆ, ISOLOSSÆ and VersaDampTM - feature high internal damping properties for:

  • Low amplification at resonance to protect equipment during frequency cycling and random shock input
  • Effective shock protection for sensitive mechanisms within minimum sway space parameters
  • Quick return to system equilibrium after vibration or shock input

Our ready-to-buy isolators include:

  • Standard Isolators
  • Custom Isolators
  • Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs)
  • Thermoplastics
  • Thermosets

ISOLATOR SELECTOR - Find the best standard isolator for your application: Isolator Catalog (pdf)


| EAR Products | Molding Materials |

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