Four-lobed Seals™ |
Four-lobed seals can be used in standard O-Ring, Quad Rings grooves or in deeper four-lobed seals with specific grooves, resulting in less friction and longer seal life. Four-lobed seal grooves can also be narrower than O-Ring grooves, as spiral failure is less of an issue. For four-lobed seal groove recommendations, please go to our Groove Design Chart for Four-Lobed Seals. RT Dygert stocks many different AS568 sized four-lobed in either 70 durometer nitrile or 75 durometer Viton™. Due to their unique four-lobed geometry, grooves for Four-lobed Seals are different than those for O-Rings. In general,Four-lobed Seals grooves are deeper, as less squeeze is required to affect a positive seal. Four-lobed Seal grooves are also narrower due to their ability to resist “spiral failure” better than O-Rings. The following chart displays general recommendations for Four-lobed Seal grooves. Suggested Groove Design for Four-Lobed Seals